New Student Orientation

Welcome to the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP) family! All new undergraduate students are required to attend Bearcats Bound Orientation (BBO). To assist you in making a successful academic transition, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Register for Orientation

Step 2: Attend Orientation

  • During in-person orientation, you will attend a college-specific session to learn more about preparing for the fall semester. At DAAP’s college session, you will:
    • Review your program curriculum
    • Access university resources
    • Schedule an academic advising appointment
  • Out-of-State and International Students: We offer a virtual pre-orientation session for students who may not be able to attend in-person orientation until later in the summer. For questions, contact Bearcats Bound Orientation at

Step 3: Before Advising Appointment

Step 4: Meet with Academic Advisor

  • During your virtual advising appointment, you will finalize your fall registration, learn more about your degree requirements, and discuss any questions you may have.

Step 5: Before the Start of the Fall Semester 

  • Learn more: