Student Exhibits

Collage of Images from Student Exhibitions

Current School of Art undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to have a solo show, do a performance, create an installation, or curate a group show in the student-run galleries. 

“The Annex Gallery is the arena of the graduate students; the Tabula Rasa Gallery is devoted to undergraduates, though boundaries are crossed often. The new is here to view, the student voice is loud and strong, and the learning is active. Seize the opportunity to have a look.

Kate Bonansinga, Director, College of DAAP, School of Art

Tabula Rasa Gallery

The Tabula Rasa Gallery is a gallery in the College of DAAP managed by School of Art students. The gallery’s name is the result of a student organized naming competition and translates to “blank slate”. The gallery is a place where undergraduate and graduate students can show their most recent works for a week, and fully experience the art of curating and hanging a show; culminating in an artist reception. Over twenty years the gallery has entertained visitors with individual shows, group shows, art sales, and even a “lock-in” where students were locked in the gallery overnight. 

Directions to Tabula Rasa


DAAP Studio Annex Gallery

The Annex gallery is a gallery reserved for and operated by graduate students. Working Master of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts in Art Education students can sign up to have a weeklong show, curate a show, or use it as an impromptu critique space throughout their time in the program. 

Directions to Annex

DAAP Annex Gallery map with detail


The DAAP Studio Annex Gallery sits on the corner of Martin Luther King Drive and Clifton Avenue, just across the street from DAAP. Parking can be found at area meters or in the Clifton Court Garage.

A downloadable map of the entire UC campus is also available below. 

Past Student Exhibits

All 2024 student exhibits took place in the Tabula Rasa Gallery.

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