Community Engagement

The Clifton community is invited to take advantage of the many creative learning opportunities at our world-class institution. Below is a sampling of what's happening at DAAP this fall.

Chatterjee Global Lecture

Nettrice Gaskins

Dr. Nettrice R. Gaskins - Designing Interactions: Urban Communication in the Age of GenAI

  • Thursday, October 3rd
  • 5pm with a reception to follow
  • Aronoff 4401

Dr. Nettrice R. Gaskins teaches, writes, "fabs”, and makes art using algorithms and machine learning. She has taught multimedia, visual art, and computer science with high school and college students. She earned a BFA in Computer Graphics with Honors from Pratt Institute in 1992 and an MFA in Art and Technology from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1994. She received a doctorate in Digital Media from Georgia Tech in 2014. Dr. Gaskins is a 2021 Ford Global Fellow and she is currently the assistant director of the Lesley STEAM Learning Lab at Lesley University. She is an advisory board member for the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at Georgia Tech. Her first full-length book, "Techno-Vernacular Creativity and Innovation" is available through The MIT Press. Gaskins' AI-generated artworks can be viewed in journals, magazines, museums, and on the Web.

Learn more about the Chatterjee Global Lecture series and past speakers.


Planter Workshop

Ceramics - Planter for Plants Sake

  • 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9
  • 6:30-8:30pm
  • DAAP Ceramics Lab
  • $200

This fun hand building workshop will guide participants through the timeless process of creating a one-of-a-kind handmade planter to house a plant from our very own University Greenhouse on the roof of Rievschl. The final class will be a short walk to the Rievschl green house for a fun planting and plant care workshop.

View past workshops and learn about new workshops throughout the year.

School Lectures

Jim McCormac - Gardening for Moths

  • Wednesday, September 11 at 4:30pm
  • Aronoff Room 3410

Jim McCormac is a botanist specializing in wildlife diversity projects, a conservationist, a renowned photographer and an in-demand speaker. 

With Gardening for Moths, Jim McCormac and Chelsea Gottfried spotlight the vital environmental role moths play. As an indicator species, the health and abundance of moths reflects the health of local ecosystems.

Whether you are a gardener, a bird watcher, a bat enthusiast or an all round nature lover, this lecture will discuss the book with stunning images and fascinating information.

John Knight

John Knight

  • Friday, August 30th from 12:30-1:50pm
  • Aronoff Room 54011
  • No RSVP needed

John Knight (b. 1986) is based in London and Montana. Recent exhibitions include Final Hot Desert, London; Monaco, St. Louis; Apparatus Projects, Chicago; BSMNT Gallery, Leipzig; Julius Caesar, Chicago; The American Institute of Thoughts and Feelings, Tucson; and Muscle Beach, Portland. Selected group exhibitions include Final Hot Desert; the Museum of Contemporary Art, Utah; and As It Stands, Los Angeles. Knight co-directed the curatorial projects: Williamson Knight Gallery, Portland; Cherry and Lucic, Portland; H. Klum Fine Art, Portland; and THE PINK HOUSE [Jan. 19, 1995] at Bad Reputation, Los Angeles. He received an MFA from Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland and a BFA from the University of Cincinnati. Knight is represented by Final Hot Desert.

Visiting Artists and Scholars Lecture Series with assistance from the Agnes Croll Blackburne Visiting Artist and Scholars fund and the Elise Zeller Sauer Fund for Fine Arts.

View more School of Art lectures scheduled for this fall.

Gallery Exhibits

The DAAP Galleries host rotating exhibitions throughout the year in both solo and group exhibitions featuring work by artists that range from practicing professionals, faculty, and students. 


DAAPcamps began in the summer of 2011. It has grown each summer and now hundreds of students join us from all over the country and internationally to explore the disciplines at DAAP. The Camp Leads are comprised of faculty and professionals in the individual industries of Fashion Design, Industrial Design, Shoe Design, Graphic Communication Design, Architecture and Interior Design, Fine Art disciplines, and Animation and Digital Film-Making.

If you would like to be notified about DAAPcamps 2025, please submit this interest form.


Headshot of Pam Hollo Rezai

Pam Hollo Rezai

Asst Dir Marketing & Publications