
Please join us for the 2025 Showcase event on Thursday, April 10, 2025.  RSVP

Applications are now open: DAAPcares 2025 Application   Apply by March 23!

DAAPcares honors and supports the work of DAAP students, faculty, staff, and alumni to improve the quality of life around the world. From local to global, individual to multidisciplinary, and academic to professional - we connect scholarship to solutions. These accomplishments are celebrated annually in a showcase of innovative projects and research that represent our mission to achieve sustainable outcomes with environmental, economic, and cultural impact.

All DAAP students, faculty, staff, and alumni are eligible to submit projects (completed or in progress) from Spring 2024, Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025.  Contact Rachel Carr with any questions.

Student Organization Meetings for 2024-25:  Wednesdays at 5:00 pm in DAAP 5407  Register on GetInvolvedUC

2024 Award Winners

DAAPcares was held on Thursday, April 11, 2024 and displayed more than 25 projects from students, faculty, staff, and alumni. 

DAAP Interdisciplinary

Interdisciplinary Award – “Pollinator City” ARCH 7036/5051(Professor Anca Matyiku). Varun Bhimanpally, Matthew Davis, Prajakta Gangapurkar, Justin Hamilton, Patrick Leesman, Jacob Mackin, Julio Martinez, Simon Needham, Kaylee Pugh, Hilda Rivera, Juvita Sajan, Hannah Webster, Megan Welch, Meghana Yelangandula, Isaiah Zuercher, and UC Office of Sustainability. Consultants: Patrick Guerra, Stevie Famulari, Brian Grubb, Sangyong Cho.

Community Award - “Hidden Little Corners” (Graduate Assistant Advisor Rachel Carr). DAAPcares Student Organization - Margaret Dull, Chloe Beckmeyer, Emma Madden, Maddie Lawson, Abby Lawson, Gordon Petrie, and Sophie Gartland.

School of Design

Best in School: Undergraduate Project – “Cincy Composts” INDL 3042 (Professor Brigid O'Kane),  Caroline McCarthy.

Best in School: Graduate Project – “Full Inclusive Participation: A Design Process Case Study in Urban Mobility”  MDes Thesis (Advisor, Dr. Heekyoung Jung), Domagoj Bui.

School of Architecture & Interior Design

Best in School: Undergraduate Project – “Community Building Blocks” ARCH 4001(Professor Peter Yi).  Seth Aridano and Jean-Luc Baudeloque.

Best in School: Graduate Project – “covington [re]hatched” ARCH 7005 (Professor De Peter Yi).  Simon Needham, Jacob Mackin, Isaiah Zuercher.

Sustainability Award – “Eutrophication Science Museum” INTD 2002 (Professor Amber Wasinski).  TT Klafter.

School of Art

“Art History Outreach Program: Helping Students to Engage with Artworks at First Hand” (Professors Christopher Platts and Katherine Smith), Arthur Brum, Shepherd Ellis, Riley Haag, Ruby Krimmer, Charlotte Ogorek, Tegan Recker, Kristopher Reisser, Leah Shannon. Partners: DAAP Library, Cincinnati Public Schools, and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. 

School of Planning

Best in School: Undergraduate Project – “Back to the Future!” Senior Capstone PLAN 5099 (Professors Danilo Palazzo and Hye Yeon Park), Natalie Kunes.

Best in School: Graduate Project – “The Impact of Lead Pipe Replacement on Property Values in Cincinnati, OH” MCP Thesis  (Advisor Dr. Rainer vom Hofe), Xavier Yozwiak.

Compassion Award – “inclusivity and equitability for people with different abilities” HORT 2040 & 3050, LAND 7051 & 7061 (Professor Stevie Famulari) with 50+ students.

Connect with DAAPcares:

Email: Rachel Carr, Graduate Student Advisor and  Margaret Dull, President
Instagram: @daap_cares
GetInvolvedUC: DAAPcares

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DAAP Tribunal

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Email: ucdaaptribunal@gmail.com
Facebook: @DAAPtribunal
Instagram: @ucdaaptribunal
GetInvolvedUC: DAAP Tribunal