BFA, MAAE, & K-12 Art & Design License Prep

A career path for aspiring artists, teachers, and makers.

Flavia Bastos, Faculty Award recipient, Distinguished Research Professor (AHSS)

As a super artist who can do it all, you can earn your Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Master of Arts in Art Education (MAAE), and K-12 Art & Design License Preparation all in 5-Years.

As someone with over 15 years of experience in the field of creative arts, I can think of no better way to prepare to succeed post-graduation.

Kris Holland Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director

1. Discover

Watch the video below to learn more about what it is like to be a BFA + MAAE + K-12 Art & Design License Prep student:

2. Connect

Connect with our Program Staff or our Student Ambassador so we can best support you – no matter where you are in your academic journey!

Program Staff:

Headshot of Kristopher J Holland

Kristopher J Holland

Associate Professor

Headshot of Emily A Paolucci

Emily A Paolucci

Program Director


Student Ambassador:

Headshot of Kelsey Downie Thueneman

Kelsey Downie Thueneman

Graduate Student

3. Start Your BFA Application

The University of Cincinnati, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning BFA & MAAE Programs feature proven curriculums. You will start your journey as a BFA student in the School of Art. Be sure to apply by the Undergraduate Application Deadline.

4. Begin the BFA Program

You will start your first year in the BFA program as a traditional undergraduate student, learning the foundations of art and design.

5. Apply to PADE License 

You will apply for the PADE License the Fall Semester of your 2nd Academic Year.

6. Apply to MAAE 

You will apply for the Master of Arts in Art Education the Fall Semester of your 4th Academic Year.

7. Graduate as a Super Artist 

You will complete your academic journey with your Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master of Arts in Art Education,  K-12 Art & Design License Prep and a plan for your career the Summer Semester of your 5th Academic Year.

Program Director:

Headshot of Kristopher J. Holland, PhD

Kristopher J. Holland, PhD

Associate Professor & Master of Arts in Art Education Program Director, School of Art


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